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1 Translation result for hacer picar in English


picar verbo

to itch; to sting, to bite; to sting; to peck at; to be spicy; to nibble on; to nibble; to prick, to puncture, to punch (a ticket); to grind, to chop; to take the bait; to goad, to incite; to pique, to provoke

Reverse translation for hacer picar

to itch  - dar picazón, hacer picar, picar, morirse 
to sting  - picar (dícese de las abejas, etc.), picar, escocer, arder, hacer escocer (físicamente), herir (emocionalmente) 
to bite  - morder, picar (dícese de un insecto), cortar (dícese del viento) 
to prick  - pinchar 
to puncture  - pinchar, punzar, perforar, ponchar 
to punch  (a ticket)
to grind  - funcionar con dificultad, rechinar, moler, machacar, triturar, afilar, estudiar mucho, pulir, esmerilar (lentes, espejos) 
to chop  - picar, cortar en trozos, trocear, cortar, talar 
to goad  - aguijonear (un animal), incitar (a una persona) 
to incite  - incitar, instigar 
to pique  - picar, irritar, despertar (la curiosidad, etc.) 
to provoke  - provocar 
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